For aspiring & current spa &beauty business owners hungry to hit 6-figures


So now you’re planning to start a six-figure BEAUTY EMPIRE or become the next
most looked up spa & SALON owner
in your area even as a beginner?😱

Sure, you can create an online presence for people to find you through a journey
that leads to closing more total stranger customers!


Oh one, because you need to make sales, obviously.
And two, because it will run on autopilot.


But selling your products and services is MORE than just creating a website,
posting a post on a hunch and hoping people will buy it.

You need the RIGHT SYSTEM that entertains, entices, and educates your audience
right from the get-go, and keeps them begging for more!

❎Without competing with thousands of spa out there
❎Without underselling your high-end services
❎Working yourself to death baby 🤩


All it takes is to follow an expert level of marketing
and the right BEAUTY setup for your niche.

But  first,

Let's talk about why this is so important.

You see, right now there are thousands of spas out there that have never gotten this right.

They've had no idea how to promote themselves, sell their products, keep their customers, and erase the competition right away.

And because they're still using old-school methods that don't work anymore (if they ever did), they aren't making any money and they're not attracting new clients.

They've closed down their business or are struggling to keep it afloat because they think just can't seem to compete in the long term at all.

And as a millionaire spa owner who has dealt with a number of “trial and error”, bottlenecks, and other staying top of trends...

I’ve pretty much seen it all and...

 I want to help you access one of my shortcuts.

By signing up...

✅You will avoid those same problems like closing your
spa or losing your one-time clients.

✅You will unleash your authentic brand and promote
yourself online like an instant pro.

✅You will see the “simple” secrets of how top-tier spas
do it
every single day so that you can start getting
more loyal clients than ever before—even if that
means raising your prices!


Say goodbye to biz overwhelm & constant guesswork!

Your not-so-complicated marketing training is here.

Hey baby couz!

I know it feels like it gets hard everyday or you’re not getting ahead in your business,
I've been through all that.

High Five!

You’re a part of my mission, and together, we will build your empire…

I'm so excited to share this webinar with you:

Grow your spa business online with
additional $1000 per week in sales

In fact, it’s the exact method I've used to grow my own spa
from $1000 per week in sales to $10k/month to six figures.

In just 42 minutes, you will witness everything I've learned over the last years to start making consistent additional
income with your existing spa business and grow it in the comfort of your home.

Not only did it work for the 53-year-old mother who owns a spa,
but also for the 4000+ other students who work with us across the country.



you will unlock these gems:

Quickstart Your Business Online From Scratch— even if you don’t have a marketing background.

The Only Thing You Need To Start and Stay In The Business So You Can Reap Freedom Later.

Tools You Need To Market Your Business and Generate an Unending List of Engaged Clients Coming In, Day In and Day Out (AKA future clients and opportunities!)

 Take the Right Approach & Care To Your Clients To Avoid Being Sleazy

Millionaire Marketing Tips You Can Get For Free! 

The single most important factor that can make or break your marketing efforts in the business:

Maximize Your Network Even If You’re An Introvert (Friends And Family) and Get Discovered By Your Next Spa Client


as seen on

certification and affiliation

Meet your host!

Hi there, I’m Sabrina.
Ex corporate turned into a self-made millionaire, serial entrepreneur, business coach, CEO, and the founder of Herway Training Institute. I’ve generated over $1 Million in sales for my students, my beauty spa, and my own offers.

We believe there is a different and better way for American Women to grow their empires and start a body-contouring spa. A more premium, less stressful way of attracting customers and delivering results.

We want your every client who walks into your spa/ salon to know that they've made the right choice for themselves—and that choosing you over other alternatives was an experience worth investing in for years to come.

That one that feels like home, and clients love coming back for more.

And that means MORE money overflows! 💸💸💸

You Do NOT Have to Be An Expert
to Get Extraordinary Results.


GET a free bonus once done.

Here's the good news!

I'm adding this ONE-OF-A-KIND GIFT

If you finish the webinar within 3 days…
And prove you consumed and implemented the lessons and strategies here…
Once you’ve done that,

I’ll also give you lifetime access to a best-seller ebook (worth $100)!!

See…I’m not just offering a FREE Webinar, I reward the action takers who utilize their resources well and not some business owners who will take it for granted and not implement it.

What they don’t know is I’ve been teaching them strategies, methods, and tactics designed for them and that they can’t find anywhere else.

So how will you prove you’ve gone through the video?

Send us a show us your notes, and takeaways and demonstrate how you’ve taken action. You can share it through screenshots or an actual video!

Message it here:

why register today?

The Best Time To Learn Online Marketing Was Yesterday. 

It’s not an option anymore but a necessity.
Your clients will expect to find, connect with, or buy from you online.
Passionate spa and beauty biz owners who master how to boost their
income this year will be at an absolute advantage this year and for the
decades to come, and we want to speed up your success.

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IMPORTANT: Earnings and Legal Disclaimers

Earnings and income representations made by Herway Training Institute,, and their advertisers/sponsors (collectively, "Herway Training Institute") are aspirational statements only of your earnings potential. The success of Herway Training Institute, testimonials and other examples used are exceptional, non-typical results and are not intended to be and are not a guarantee that you or others will achieve the same results. Individual results will always vary and yours will depend entirely on your individual capacity, work ethic, business skills and experience, level of motivation, the economy, the normal and unforeseen risks of doing business, and other factors.

Herway Training Institute is not responsible for your actions. You are solely responsible for your own moves and decisions and the evaluation and use of our products and services should be based on your own due diligence. You agree that Herway Training Institute are not liable to you in any way for your results in using our products and services.

 Herway Training Institute may receive compensation for products and services they recommend to you.